During these unprecedented times we are still open during the latest UK lockdown as we are an online business and still returning and accepting recapping work and minor repairs as normal. We have access to multiple couriers will switch to a collection service. Supply of capacitors and other passive components are unaffected.
We suggest using www.parcel2go.com when you send your board to us as if your in the UK, (Overseas there will be equivalent collection services available) Parcel2go offer a range of collection services right from your door, this is perfect if your local shop does not have a Post Office in store.

As for some add-on’s many components for these are in quarantine due to the lockdown in other countries so many items are only avilable on backorder, or you can be notified when stock is avilable again.

Let not forget also the people on the frontline risking their lives in making sure patients are cared for!
Keep safe, well, stay at home and keep gaming!