Amiga 600 Wild Weird Wicked Reproduction Box
Amiga 600 Reproduction Box – Wild Weird Wicked
PRODUCT DISCONTINUED Amiga 600 reproduction box - Wild Weird Wicked, these are brand new and designed to be used as box art or to house your Amiga A600. These are true reproductions of the original Amiga 600 boxes created by
Key features:
  • Box is true to the original size and design.
  • Including "Innards" for positioning the Amiga A600 computer and accessories.
  • Laminated outside / moisture repellent.
  • Will be delivered flat in a large envelope.

We also offer Amiga Reproduction boxes for the following: Commodore Amiga A1200 Commodore Amiga A600 Commodore Amiga A500 Commodore Amiga A500 Plus Commodore Amiga CD32   Please note: This is an Amiga 600 reproduction box and NOT AN ORIGINAL.  
£0.00 Ex. VAT Read more
Amiga PSU Boost A500 - A500 Plus
Commodore Amiga PSU for A600 (BOOST VERSION)
Commodore Amiga PSU for A600 BOOST VERSION, up to 8A at 5VDC strong, adjustable PSU for regular and accelerated Commodore Amiga A500, A500+, A600, A1200. The new Amiga PSU BOOST is a modern, 50W strong replacement power supply unit for Commodore Amiga computer systems. Based on our famous Amiga DUO/DUO+ PSU experiences provides stable, filtered, adjustable 5VDC (up to 8.0A), 12VDC (up to 0.5A) and -12VDC (up to 0.15A) by industrial grade components. Now your Vampire, Blizzard, ACA or Furia accelerator will get enough juice to work flawlessly with full MHz clocks. Factory trimmed for stock Amiga 500 reference load, may be adjusted to give exact 5VDC with 2-3x heavier loads.
Key features:
  • Commodore Amiga 500, 500+, 600, 1200 compatible
  • Stabilized & filtered 5VDC up to 8A output (peak)
  • Stabilized & filtered 12VDC up to 0.5A output
  • Stabilized & filtered -12VDC up to 0.15A output
  • 5VDC manual adjustment feature (potentiometer)
  • Factory calibrated for stock Amiga 500 reference load
  • Active & passive over voltage protections for main +5VDC line
  • Over current protection for all output lines
  • Integrates Protection & Adjustment LED Module add-on
  • Fully isolated & fused on AC side
  • Durable power On/Off switch (black)
  • Status LED (Good Status Green)
  • Long output cable (1.8m) with rectangular DIN 5-pin plug
  • Detachable input AC cable for all versions (cable included)
  • Weight only 0.4 KG (2x less than original PSU)
  • UK Stock
Warning! Risk of electrical shock and energy hazard when opened. All failures should be examined by a qualified technicians only. Risk of fire or electrical shock. The ventilation holes should be protected from foreign objects or dripping liquids. Please do not install power supplies in places with high ambient temperature or close to the heat source. Enclosed power supplies are intent to work in indoor locations, it's not allowed to use power supplies outdoor, in dust or high moisture. Output current and output wattage must not exceed the rated values. This replacement Amiga PSU has been designed for Commodore Amiga 1200 vintage computer systems only and should be considered as an integral component of Amiga computer system. Do not connect to any other devices as it's not a general purpose PSU. Manufacturer is not responsible for any consequences of unauthorised or arbitrary repairs, modifications or incorrect usage. Please notice that new, properly working replacement Amiga PSU is reducing the system's potential fail rate but still is not guaranteeing that entire Amiga system will work correctly (it's >30 years old).  
£66.66 Ex. VAT Add to basket
A630 Rev 2 Accelerator A600
A630 REV 2 Accelerator Turbo Card A600 NO CPU
A630 Rev 2 Accelerator Turbo Card (NO CPU VERSION) for the Amiga 600 is a modern turbo card allows you to add your own 68030 CPU. We have tested both the Gold top and ceramic versions, however we do recommend a CPU cooler and fan for the ceramic versions. The speed boost is the sweet spot  for Demos, WHDLoad* gaming, internet and so on. This will give any A600 a great speedboost! Full specs:
  • 128 Pin PGA Socket for the Motorola 68030 PGA CPU (CPU NOT INCLUDED)
  • 64MB SDRAM Fast Ram.
  • Cooling: Passive or Active. No heatsink or fan is included, options are below.
  • PCMCIA Friendly.
Important Information:
MMULib's for the A630 Accelerator
The A630 Accelerator requires the installation of MMULib's and it very important you use the right ones for the kickstart ROM you are using: 3.1 Kickstart: 3.2 or 3.2.1  Install the MMULib package that came with the installation CD ONLY and NOT the ones from Aminet.  
  • Some demos or games may require disable "CPU CACHE" for better compatibility with the MC68000.
  • The card is designed to work with 3.1 Roms and above including 3.2 and 3.2.1 of which can be  purchased below.
  *2Mb Chip ram is strongly recommended for WHDLoad which is available here    
£83.33 Ex. VAT Select options
Amiga picoPSU Adaptor
Amiga PicoPSU Adaptor – A500, A600, A1200
PRODUCT DISCONTINUED   Amiga PicoPSU Adaptor suitable for the A500/A600/A1200. The right angled connector provides a lower profile. You can operate the unit using a toggle or push to make switch. A 90W PicoPSU power supply, with a 60W mains adaptor, has been sufficient to operate an Amiga 600 and Amiga 1200 with a 040 and CD-ROM. PCB dimensions, 51x51mm Does not include any PicoPSU. Designed and built by Ian Stedman    
£0.00 Ex. VAT Read more
A630 Rev 3 Amiga 600 Accelerator
A630 Rev 3 Accelerator (Bare board)
A630 Rev 3 Accelerator for the Amiga 600 is the latest revision of the A630 modern turbo card. designed for the the classic 68030 Motorola processor (NOT INCLUDED) running at 50Mhz and add an additional FPU (NOT INCLUDED). Perfect for that sweet spot in speed and usefulness for Demos, WHDLoad* gaming, internet and so on. This will give any A600 a great speedboost in a compact unit. Full specs:
  • CPU socket for the Motorola MC68030 clocked on 50MHz CPU (CPU NOT INCLUDED)
  • FPU socket for the 68882FN40 (FPU NOT INCLUDED)
  • 64MB SDRAM Fast Ram.
  • PCMCIA Friendly.
  We also sell a fully bullt A630 Rev 3 with CPU and FPU.  
Important Information:
MMULib's for the A630 Accelerator
The A630 Accelerator requires the installation of MMULib's and it very important you use the right ones for the kickstart ROM you are using: 3.1 Kickstart: 3.2, 3.2.1 or 3.2.2   Install the MMULib package that came with the installation CD ONLY and NOT the ones from Aminet.  
  • Some demos or games may require disable "CPU CACHE" for better compatibility with the MC68000.
  • The card is designed to work with 3.1 Roms and above including 3.2 and 3.2.1 of which can be  purchased below.
  • The Oscillator will need some insulation tape put on top to stop the A630 touching it.
  *2Mb Chip ram is strongly recommended for WHDLoad which is available here   Image for illustration only - no CPU or FPU is included and PCB colour will vary.    
£145.83 Ex. VAT Add to basket
Gotek Drive Generic Large Display and Rotary Knob
Gotek Drive Pre-Flashed with FlashFloppy, a 0.96″ Display and Rotary Knob (Generic)
Gotek Drive 0.96" Display pre-flashed with FlashFloppy for and not limited to Acorn, Amstrad, Amiga, Apple, Atari, Spectrum, DOS / IBM XT PC, MSX. This is the latest Gotek floppy emulator for retro computers with 3.5" floppy disk drive bay, or for use externally or in a caddy. This will also work Amstrad / Spectrum or computers with 3" disk drives or old PCs with 5.25" drives and such. You will require the correct floppy IDE or Ribbon connection cables and 3D printed mount. Most computers can use the ones supplied within the machine and you can do a straight swap out for the existing old floppy drive (such as in DOS PCs and Amigas) but some machines may need extra leads/connectors (such as Spectrum +3). Flashed with current latest FlashFloppy firmware  and ready to use. Once installed, just insert a USB memory stick with your disk images/files on. Your computer will then boot from this floppy emulator or can also use it as a second drive. Comes complete with Rotary select knob and large 0.96 OLED display screen   List of compatible devices:   [accordion] [pane title="Computers"] Acorn Archimedes Acorn BBC Micro Amstrad CPC Amstrad PCW Amstrad PPC Atari ST Commodore Amiga DEC Dragon IBM 3174 IBM PC IBM PS/2 Kaypro Memotech MSX NEC PC-98 Sharp Sinclair QL Spectrum Tandy Color Computer TI-99/4A TSC Flex UKNC, DVK [/pane] [pane title="Electronic Synthesizers"] Akai E-mu ESI-32 Ensoniq General Music (GEM) Korg Kurzweil Roland Sequential Circuits Prophet 3000 Yamaha[/pane] [pane title="Embedded & Industrial"] KUKA [/pane] [/accordion]      
£37.49 Ex. VAT Read more
A630 REV3 Amiga A600 Accelerator 68030 - FPU - 64Mb - Purple Edition
A630 Rev 3 Accelerator 68030 50Mhz, 64Mb, FPU Amiga A600 PURPLE
A630 Rev 3 68030 50Mhz inc FPU Amiga A600 PURPLE EDITION is the latest revision of the A630 modern turbo card with the classic 68030 Motorola processor running at 50Mhz and also includes an onboard FPU. Perfect for that sweet spot in speed and usefulness for Demos, WHDLoad* gaming, internet and so on. This will give any A600 a great speedboost in a compact unit. Full specs:
  • CPU MC68030, clocked on 50MHz.
  • FPU 68882FN40 - synchronous or asynchronous clocking.
  • 64MB SDRAM Fast Ram.
  • Cooling: Active included.
  • PCMCIA Friendly.
  • PCB Colour - Purple
Important Information:
MMULib's for the A630 Accelerator
The A630 Accelerator requires the installation of MMULib's and it very important you use the right ones for the kickstart ROM you are using: 3.1 Kickstart: 3.2, 3.2.1 or 3.2.2   Install the MMULib package that came with the installation CD ONLY and NOT the ones from Aminet.  
  • Some demos or games may require disable "CPU CACHE" for better compatibility with the MC68000.
  • The card is designed to work with 3.1 Roms and above including 3.2 and 3.2.1 of which can be  purchased below.
  • An internal HDD/CF/SD Card needs to be installed for the A630 to boot.
  *2Mb Chip ram is strongly recommended for WHDLoad which is available here    
£199.99 Ex. VAT Add to basket
Commodore Amiga PSU Duo Plus
Commodore Amiga PSU for 1 x A500/600/1200 1 x CD32/A590 (DUO PLUS EDITION)
Commodore Amiga PSU DUO EDITION PLUS for 1 x A500/600/1200 and 1 x CD32/A590 with the ability switch them on and off independently up to 4.0A per 5VDC channel with independent 5VDC adjustments per channel for regular and accelerated Commodore Amiga A500, A500+, A600 and A1200. The new Amiga PSU DUO PLUS Edition is a modern, 65W strong replacement power supply unit for the Amiga computer systems.provides stable, filtered, adjustable 5VDC (up to 4.0A), +12VDC (up to 0.5A) and -12VDC (up to 0.15A) by industrial grade components. Now your Vampire, Blizzard, ACA, TF536, TF1230. TF1260 accelerator will get enough juice to work flawlessly with full MHz clocks. Factory trimmed for stock Amiga 500 reference load, may be adjusted to give exact 5VDC with 2-3x heavier loads.
Key features:
  • Stabilized, double protected +5VDC up to 4.0A rated output (per channel)
  • Stabilized +12VDC up to 1.0A rated output (per channel)
  • Stabilized -12VDC up to 0.15A rated output (per channel)
  • Trim potentiometer for 5VDC fine adjustments (5-5.5V range) on every channel
  • Double over current protection for all output lines
  • Main AC power On/Off switch
  • Two channel On/Off switches
  • Each channel has a set of LED power good indicators (green 5VDC, yellow 12VDC, blue -12VDC).
  • Eco friendly, green design: consumes ~20% less power compared to original PSU set
  • Output cable length (1.5m) regular Amiga or CD32/A590 compatible.
  • Detachable AC cable (allowing you to use your own desired cable length).
  • Weight only 0.3 KG
  • Safety standards: UL60950-1, TUV EN60950-1, ANSI/AAMI ES60601-1, TUV EN60601-1, IEC60601-1
  • UK Stock
Warning! Risk of electrical shock and energy hazard when opened. All failures should be examined by a qualified technicians only. Risk of fire or electrical shock. The ventilation holes should be protected from foreign objects or dripping liquids. Please do not install power supplies in places with high ambient temperature or close to the heat source. Enclosed power supplies are intent to work in indoor locations, it's not allowed to use power supplies outdoor, in dust or high moisture. Output current and output wattage must not exceed the rated values. This replacement Amiga PSU has been designed for Commodore Amiga 1200 vintage computer systems only and should be considered as an integral component of Amiga computer system. Do not connect to any other devices as it's not a general purpose PSU. Manufacturer is not responsible for any consequences of unauthorised or arbitrary repairs, modifications or incorrect usage. Please notice that new, properly working replacement Amiga PSU is reducing the system's potential fail rate but still is not guaranteeing that entire Amiga system will work correctly (it's >30 years old).  
£120.83 Ex. VAT Add to basket
Furia Amiga A600 Accelerator
FURIA Amiga 600 accelerator (passive cooler)
FuriaEC020 is an accelerator card for Amiga 600 computers designed by Boris Krizma (Slovak Amiga HW developer) It's equipped with CPU Motorola MC68EC020/25 (OC33) MHz and FPU Motorola MC68882/40 MHz, and with onboard 9.5 megs of fast memory. The quick access to the memory makes this little card a real monster, as it makes the Amiga more than 10 times faster, than the original Amiga 600. The card has also ability to map ROM into the Fast RAM, tested with 256 kB, 512 kB and also 1024 kB ROMs. The card also speeds up Amiga 600 IDE port. The device can be easily controlled by tool FuriaTune software written by Martin Kuchinka. To enable support for onboard PCMCIA port, you need to remove 4 megabytes of Fast RAM by pressing Control+Amiga+Amiga for 3 seconds. Features:
  • CPU 68EC020/25 MHz (OC33)
  • FPU 68882
  • 9.5MB Fast RAM
  • Maprom function
  • PCMCIA friendly
  • Highest quality PLCC bottom socket - stable and solid FIT (AMPHENOL) - high temp resistant
  • Firmware 14.1
  • PCB colour may vary
£99.99 Ex. VAT Add to basket
A630 REV3 Amiga A600 Accelerator 68030 - FPU - 64Mb - Purple Edition
A630 Accelerator Amiga A600 68030 50Mhz, 128Mb, FPU PURPLE
A630 Accelerator Amiga A600 68030 50Mhz inc FPU PURPLE EDITION is the latest revision of the A630 modern turbo card with the classic 68030 Motorola processor running at 50Mhz and also includes an onboard FPU. Perfect for that sweet spot in speed and usefulness for Demos, WHDLoad* gaming, internet and so on. This will give any A600 a great speedboost in a compact unit. Full specs:
  • CPU MC68030, clocked on 50MHz.
  • FPU 68882FN40 - synchronous or asynchronous clocking.
  • 128MB SDRAM Fast Ram.
  • Cooling: Active included.
  • PCMCIA Friendly.
  • PCB Colour - Purple
Important Information:
MMULib's for the A630 Accelerator
The A630 Accelerator requires the installation of MMULib's and it very important you use the right ones for the kickstart ROM you are using: 3.1 Kickstart: 3.2, 3.2.1 or 3.2.2   Install the MMULib package that came with the installation CD ONLY and NOT the ones from Aminet.  
  • Some demos or games may require disable "CPU CACHE" for better compatibility with the MC68000.
  • The card is designed to work with 3.1 Roms and above including 3.2 and 3.2.1 of which can be  purchased below.
  • An internal HDD/CF/SD Card needs to be installed for the A630 to boot.
  *2Mb Chip ram is strongly recommended for WHDLoad which is available here    
£224.99 Ex. VAT Add to basket
Amiga 1200/600 Gotek Drive CLEAR
Amiga 600 Gotek Drive, CLEAR/TRANSPARENT Mount, OLED Display and FlashFloppy
Amiga 600 Gotek drive is a great replacement for your failing Amiga 600 floppy drive or you wish to simply replace it with a Gotek drive. These are plug and play in that you simply remove your existing floppy drive and replace it with this unit (you use your existing bracket). 3 new screws will also be supplied to secure the Gotek drive to your Amiga. You will need a USB memory stick (NOT included) with your loaded ADF files.
What are ADF files?
ADF files is the standard Amiga Disk Format for floppy disk images. no different to Sega or Nintendo roms, ADF's are images of Amiga floppy disk games. Not only could you have access to a huge back catalogue of retro Amiga games, but there are still brand new games being released today, for example: Raid over Moscow or Bridge Strike these are all available as ADF files. But you not limited to games or programs, but you have access to tons of Amiga demos (if your into that scene).
What are gotek drives in detail? Read here What is FlashFloppy check out this link Want to know even more about them, checkout's review of them here Also checkout one of our favorite youtube streamers TheGebs24 and her views on the Gotek drive!
£34.99 Ex. VAT Read more
Sum A600 USB Keyboard
Sum A600 USB Keyboard Adaptor
Sum A600 USB Keyboard adaptor is a USB interface for HID keyboards (ONLY) without the need for installing additional AmigaOS software drivers. Device's installation procedure consists of simply attaching it the U7 chip located on A600's motherboard. Additional feature of the adapter is its "Bootloader" function allowing future firmware upgrades.
Sum A600 USB comes with dedicated configuration mode, which becomes available when you by pressing both the  Right-Shift + Pause keys together. User preferences are saved to the built-in EEPROM memory.
Key Features of the Sum A600
  • Support for both USB HID and USB-PS / 2 keyboards (Not gaming or LED backlit keyboards).
  • A600 compatibility (U7 chip-attached).
  • Built-in USB stack.
  • Configuration mode for PC keyboard (activated by R-Shift + Pause key combination),
  • Configuration mode for Mac keyboard (activated by R-Shift + F19 key combination).
  • Built-in EEPROM memory enabling user preferences storage.
  • "Bootloader" function allowing future firmware upgrades.
  • "Status" indicator LED providing information about device's state.
  • built around 16-bit Microchip microcontroller utilizing nanoWatt technology.
  • Non-blocking keyboard A600 - You can still use the inbuilt A600 keyboard.
Entering configuration mode (R-Shift + Pause)
  • F1 - RESET type - software (A2000, A3000, A4000, CD32, CDTV) or hardware (A600, A1200),
  • F2 - mapped Amiga Right to Alt Right,
  • F10 - view keycode (on / off),
  • F12 - display configuration
Amiga keys USB keyboard
Amiga reset CTRL + L-Win + R-Win CTRL + L-Alt + R-Alt CTRL + L-Alt + Del
Help F12
L-Amiga L-Win
R-Amiga R-Win
£0.00 Ex. VAT Read more